Quotations by Author

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
Greatest English dramatist & poet [more author details]
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If wishes would prevail with me, my purpose should not fail with me.
William Shakespeare, Henry V, Act III, sc. 2
Men of few words are the best men.
William Shakespeare, Henry V, Act III, sc. 2
My thoughts are whirled like a potter's wheel.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part I, Act I, sc. 5
Do not cast away an honest man for a villain's accusation.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part II, Act I, sc. 1
Things are often spoke and seldom meant.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part II, Act III, sc. 1
Virtue is choked with foul ambition.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part II, Act III, sc. 1
Ah, what a sign it is of evil life, where death's approach is seen so terrible!
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part II, Act III, sc. 3
'Tis beauty that doth oft make women proud; but, God He knows, thy share thereof is small.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part III, Act I, sc. 4
Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part III, Act III, sc. 1
Though I want a kingdom, yet in marriage I may not prove inferior to yourself.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part III, Act IV, sc. 1
Though fortunes malice overthrow my state, my mind exceeds the compass of her wheel.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part III, Act IV, sc. 3
Trust not him that has once broken faith.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part III, Act IV, sc. 4
Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind; the thief doth fear each bush an officer.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part III, Act V, sc. 6
In sweet music is such art: killing care and grief of heart fall asleep, or hearing, die.
William Shakespeare, Henry VIII, Act III, sc. 1
I know myself know; and I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience.
William Shakespeare, Henry VIII, Act III, sc. 2
Nature does require her times of preservation.
William Shakespeare, Henry VIII, Act III, sc. 2
Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water.
William Shakespeare, Henry VIII, Act IV, sc. 2
O that a man might know the end of this day's business ere it come!
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 1599-1600
His life was gentle, and the elements so mix'd in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world 'This was a man!'
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act I, sc. 2
Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights:
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act I, sc. 2
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