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Quotations by Author
Abbey, Edward (5) - US radical environmentalist (1927 - 1989)
Abbott, Bud (1) - US comedian with Lou Costello (1895 - 1974)
Abrams, John (1)
Abzug, Bella (1) - US politician (1920 - )
Accius, Lucius (2) - (170 BC - 86 BC)
Acheson, Dean (2)
Ackerman, Diane (14)
Acton, Lord (8)
Adams, Abigail (8) - US wife of John Adams 1764 (1744 - 1818)
Adams, Ansel (3) - US nature photographer (1902 - 1984)
Adams, Brian (1)
Adams, Douglas (24) - English humorist & science fiction novelist (1952 - 2001)
Adams, Franklin P. (6) - US journalist (1881 - 1960)
Adams, Henry (7) - US author, autobiographer, & historian (1838 - 1918)
Adams, Joey (1)
Adams, John (15) - US diplomat & politician (1735 - 1826)
Adams, John Quincy (4) - US diplomat & politician (1767 - 1848)
Adams, Philip (1)
Adams, Scott (17) - US cartoonist (1957 - )
Adams, Thomas (1)
Addams, Jane (1) - US social worker, sociologist, & suffragist (1860 - 1935)
Addison, Joseph (16) - English essayist, poet, & politician (1672 - 1719)
Ade, George (3) - US dramatist & humorist (1866 - 1944)
Adelman, Sybil (4)
Adler, Alfred (1) - Austrian psychiatrist & psychologist (1870 - 1937)
Adler, Mortimer (2)
Aeschylus (12) - Greek tragic dramatist (525 BC - 456 BC)
Aesop (33) - Greek slave & fable author (620 BC - 560 BC)
Afranius (1)
Agar, Herbert (2)
Agassi, Andre (1) - US tennis player (1970 - )
Agathon (2) - (448 BC - 400 BC)
Agee, James (1) - US author (1909 - 1955)
Ahbez, Eden (1)
Aiken, George (1)
Aiken, Howard (1) - US computer scientist (1900 - 1973)
Aimee, Anouk (1)
Akst, Daniel (13)
Alba, Jessica (2)
Albee, Edward (1)
Alberti, Leon Battista (2) - Italian artist (1404 - 1472)
Albom, Mitch (7)
Albright, Herm (1) - (1876 - 1944)
Albright, Madeleine (1) - US (Czechoslovakian-born) diplomat (1937 - )
Alcott, Amos Bronson (5) - US educator & Transcendentalist (1799 - 1888)
Alcott, Louisa May (1) - US juvenile novelist (1832 - 1888)
Alcuin (1) - Anglo-Saxon mathematician & scholar (732 AD - 804 AD)
Alda, Alan (3) - US actor (1936 - )
Aldrin, Buzz (1) - US astronaut (1930 - )
Alexander, Rhys (1)
Alexander, Shana (2)
Algren, Nelson (1) - (1909 - 1981)
Ali, Muhammad (4) - US boxer (1942 - )
Alighieri, Dante (15) - Italian national epic poet (1265 - 1321)
Allen, Fred (13) - US radio comedian (1894 - 1956)
Allen, Gracie (1) - US actress (1906 - 1964)
Allen, Henry (1)
Allen, John (2)
Allen, Robert G. (1)
Allen, Roger (1)
Allen, Woody (42) - US movie actor, comedian, & director (1935 - )
Allison, Dorothy (1)
Almond, Steve (1)
Alther, Lisa (2)
Altito, Noelie (1)
Altman, Robert (2) - US movie director, producer, & screenwriter (1925 - 2007)
Alzado, Lyle (1) - US football player (1949 - 1992)
Ambler, Eric (1)
Ambrose, Stephen (2) - American historian and author (1936 - 2002)
Amis, Kingsley (1) - English author & humorist (1922 - 1995)
Ammons, A. R. (3)
Amory, Cleveland (2)
Amos, Wally 'Famous' (1) - US cookie businessman (1936 - )
Amundsen, Roald (1) - Norwegian Arctic & Antarctic explorer (1872 - 1928)
Anaxagoras (1) - Greek astronomer & philosopher (500 BC - 428 BC)
Ancis, Joe (1)
Andersen, Hans Christian (3) - Danish poet & fairy tale author (1805 - 1875)
Anderson, Greg (1)
Anderson, Laurie (7)
Anderson, Maxwell (2) - US historical dramatist (1888 - 1959)
Anderson, Pamela (3) - Canadian actress (1967 - )
Anderson, Poul (1) - US science fiction author (1926 - 2001)
Anderson, Walter (1)
Andretti, Mario (3) - US (Italian-born) automobile racer (1940 - )
Andrews, Tanja (1)
Angel, Joanna (1)
Angelou, Maya (13) - US author & poet (1928 - )
Aniston, Jennifer (2) - US actress
Anonymous (57)
Anouilh, Jean (1) - French dramatist (1910 - 1987)
Ansberry, Clare (1)
Anthony, Robert (1)
Anthony, Susan B. (4) - US abolitionist & suffragist (1820 - 1906)
Antiphanes (1)
Antisthenes (2) - Greek philosopher at Athens (445 BC - 365 BC)
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius (21) - Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180 (121 AD - 180 AD)
Appianus (1)
Appleton, Sir Edward (1) - English atmospheric physicist (1892 - 1965)
Aprocrypha (1)
Apuleius (2) - Roman philosopher, rhetorician, & satirist (124 AD - 170 AD)
Aquaviva (1)
Arbus, Diane (2) - US photographer (1923 - 1971)
Arc, Joan of (1) - French heroine & saint (1412 - 1431)
Arcesilaus (1)
Archimedes (1) - Greek inventor, mathematician, & physicist (287 BC - 212 BC)
Ardis, Mark (1)
Arendt, Hannah (3) - US (German-born) historian & social philosopher (1906 - 1975)
Ariosto, Ludovico (1) - Italian epic poet (1474 - 1533)
Aristophanes (8) - Greek Athenian comic dramatist (450 BC - 388 BC)
Aristotle (70) - Greek critic, philosopher, physicist, & zoologist (384 BC - 322 BC)
Armstrong, Heather (10)
Armstrong, Jon (1)
Armstrong, Louis (1) - US jazz musician, scat singer, & trumpeter (1900 - 1971)
Armstrong, Neil (3) - US astronaut (1930 - )
Arnold, George (1)
Arnold, Matthew (4) - English critic & poet (1822 - 1888)
Artaud, Antonin (1) - French actor, critic, & drama theorist (1896 - 1948)
Asaf, George (1)
Asch, Sholem (1) - US (Polish-born) author in Yiddish (1880 - 1957)
Ash, Mary Kay (2)
Ashby, Sir Eric (1)
Ashcroft, John (1) - US politician (1942 - )
Ashdown, Pete (1)
Ashe, Arthur (1)
Asimov, Isaac (12) - US science fiction novelist & scholar (1920 - 1992)
Asoka (1) - king of India 272BC?-232BC? (200 BC - 232 BC)
Asquith, Herbert Henry (1) - British politician (1852 - 1928)
Asquith, Margot (1)
Assael, David (6)
Astaire, Fred (1)
Astell, Mary (1)
Aster, Clyde B. (1)
Aston, Elizabeth (25)
Astor, Nancy (6) - British politician (1879 - 1964)
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal (3) - Turkish politician & reformer (1881 - 1938)
Atkinson, Brooks (2) - (1894 - 1984)
Atkinson, Gordon (45) - Author of RealLivePreacher.com
Atkinson, John (1)
Atlee, Clement (1)
Attanasio, A. A. (1)
Attie, Eli (3)
Attlee, Clement (1)
Atwood, Margaret (2) - Canadian critic, feminist, novelist, & poet (1939 - )
Auden, W. H. (9) - US (English-born) critic & poet (1907 - 1973)
Auerbach, Berthold (2) - German novelist (1812 - 1882)
Augustine, Norman (1) - US aircraft businessman (1935 - )
Augustus, Caesar (2) - Roman politician (63 BC - 14 AD)
Ausonius (5)
Austen, Jane (56) - English novelist (1775 - 1817)
Averre, Berton (1)
Avery, Tex (1) - US cartoonist & animator of Warner Brothers cartoons (1908 - 1980)
Ayer, A. J. (1) - (1910 - 1989)
Azai, Ben (1)
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