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Quotations by Author
Babitz, Eve (1)
Bach, Richard (2)
Bacharach, Burt (1) - US songwriter (1928 - )
Bacon, Kevin (1)
Bacon, Sir Francis (34) - English author, courtier, & philosopher (1561 - 1626)
Baez, Joan (3) - US folksinger (1941 - )
Bagehot, Walter (8) - English economist & journalist (1826 - 1877)
Bailey, Bernard (1)
Bailey, Pearl (2) - US singer (1918 - 1990)
Bailey, Thomas (1)
Baker, Russell (8) - US columnist & journalist (1925 - )
Bakker, Robert (1)
Bakker, Tammy Faye (1) - US wife of Jim Bakker 1961
Bakunin, Mikhail (3) - Russian anarchist political philosopher (1814 - 1876)
Baldwin, James (2) - US author (1924 - 1987)
Baldwin, Monica (1)
Baldwin, Stanley (1) - English politician (1867 - 1947)
Ball, Lucille (4) - US television actress (1911 - 1989)
Ballou, Hosea (2) - US educator (1796 - 1861)
Balzac, Honore de (5) - French realist novelist (1799 - 1850)
Bankhead, Tallulah (6) - US movie actress (1903 - 1968)
Banting, Sir Frederick G. (1) - Canadian physician & physiologist (1891 - 1941)
Baretti, Joseph (1)
Barker, Dan (1)
Barkley, Charles (1) - US basketball player (1963 - )
Barnard, Fred R. (1)
Barnes, Bill (1)
Barnes, Clive (1)
Barnum, Phineas Taylor (1) - US circus showman with James Bailey (1810 - 1891)
Barr, Roseanne (6)
Barrett, Cam (1)
Barrett, Ethel (1)
Barrie, James M. (30) - Scottish dramatist & novelist (1860 - 1937)
Barrow, Dr. Isaac (1) - English mathematician & theologian (1630 - 1677)
Barrow, John D. (1) - (1952 - )
Barrows, Allison (1)
Barry, Dave (12) - US columnist & humorist (1947 - )
Barry, Lynda (1)
Barrymore, John (5) - US actor (1882 - 1942)
Barth, John (1) - US novelist & short story author (1930 - )
Barth, Karl (1) - Swiss Protestant theologian (1886 - 1968)
Barton, Bruce (3)
Barton, Kelly (1)
Baruch, Bernard M. (8) - US businessman & politician (1870 - 1965)
Barzun, Carl (1)
Barzun, Jacques (1)
Basho, Matsuo (1)
Bates, Marston (1)
Batt, Al (1)
Battista, O. A. (1)
Baudelaire, Charles (11) - French poet (1821 - 1867)
Bax, Sir Arnold (1) - British composer (1883 - 1953)
Baxter, Cecil (1)
Baxter, Richard (1) - English author & Puritan (1615 - 1691)
Bayle, Pierre (1) - French critic & philosopher (1647 - 1706)
Beal, Louise (1)
Beard, Charles Austin (2) - US historian (1874 - 1948)
Beard, James (1)
Beard, Miriam (1)
Beard, Rebecca (2)
Beattie, Melody (1)
Beatty, Paul (1)
Beatty, Warren (1) - US movie actor, director, & producer (1937 - )
Beaumarchais, Pierre (2) - French businessman & comic dramatist (1732 - 1799)
Beaumont, Francis (2) - English dramatist (1584 - 1616)
Beck, Martha (4)
Becker, Carl (1)
Becker, Gavin de (1)
Beckett, Samuel (10) - Irish author, dramatist, & novelist in France (1906 - 1989)
Beecham, Sir Thomas (2) - English conductor (1879 - 1961)
Beecher, Henry Ward (15) - US abolitionist & clergyman (1813 - 1887)
Beecher, Lyman (1) - US clergyman (1775 - 1863)
Beerbohm, Max (4) - English author and satirist (1872 - 1956)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (2) - German Romantic composer (1770 - 1827)
Beggs, Jim (2)
Behan, Brendan (2) - Irish author & dramatist (1923 - 1964)
Behn, Aphra (2)
Bejar, Heda (1)
Bell, Alexander Graham (2) - US (Scottish-born) inventor (1847 - 1922)
Bellack, Dan (1)
Bellow, Saul (6) - US (Canadian-born) author (1915 - 2005)
Benchley, Robert (11) - US actor, author, & humorist (1889 - 1945)
Benedict, Ruth (1) - US anthropologist & popularizer of anthropology (1887 - 1948)
Benet, Stephen Vincent (1) - US poet & short story author (1898 - 1943)
Benfield, John (1)
Bengis, Ingrid (1)
Benigni, Roberto (1) - Italian actor, comedian, and director (1952 - )
Benn, Ernest (1)
Benn, Tony (1)
Bennett, Alan (2)
Bennett, Arnold (5)
Benny, Jack (1) - US comedian (1894 - 1974)
Benson, Stella (1)
Benson, Warren (1)
Bentham, Jeremy (4) - English jurist, philosopher, & legal reformer (1748 - 1832)
Bently, Richard (1)
Berberova, Nina (1)
Berdoll, Linda (5)
Berenson, Bernard (2) - US (Lithuanian-born) art critic (1865 - 1959)
Bergen, Candice (1) - US television actress (1946 - )
Bergen, Edgar (2) - US comedian & ventriloquist (1903 - 1978)
Berger, Thomas (1)
Bergman, Ingrid (1) - Swedish movie actress (1915 - 1982)
Bergson, Henri (2) - French author, mystic, & philosopher (1859 - 1941)
Berkun, Scott (3)
Berle, Milton (3) - US television actor & comedian (1908 - 2002)
Berlin, Irving (3) - US (Russian-born) songwriter & writer of musicals (1888 - 1989)
Berlioz, Hector (1) - French composer (1803 - 1869)
Bernanos, Georges (1) - (1888 - 1948)
Bernard, Claude (3) - French physiologist (1813 - 1878)
Bernard, Dorothy (1)
Berne, Eric (1) - US (Canadian-born) psychologist (1910 - 1970)
Bernhardt, Sarah (1) - French actress (1844 - 1923)
Bernstein, Leonard (1) - US composer & conductor (1918 - 1990)
Berra, Yogi (10) - US baseball player, coach, & manager (1925 - )
Berry, Halle (1)
Berry, John (1)
Berry, Wendell (1)
Besant, Anne (1) - English social reformer & mystic in India (1847 - 1933)
Bessette, Alacia (2)
Best, George (6)
Beston, Henry (2)
Betti, Ugo (1)
Bevan, Aneurin (2) - Welsh labor leader & politician (1897 - 1960)
Beveridge, Lord William (1) - English economist (1879 - 1963)
Beyle, Marie Henri (2) - French biographer & novelist (1783 - 1842)
Bezos, Jeff (1) - Founder of Amazon.com (1964 - )
Bhagavad Gita (2) - (250 BC - 250 AD)
Bias (3)
Bible (232) - Biblical quotations (various authors)
Bicks, Jenny (1)
Bierce, Ambrose (18) - US author & satirist (1842 - 1914)
Billings, Josh (15) - US Humorist (1818 - 1885)
Bion (1) - Greek bucolic poet (~100 BC)
Bise, Jimmy Jr. (4)
Bishop, Jim (3)
Bishop, Joey (1) - US actor & comedian (1918 - )
Bismarck, Otto von (6) - German Prussian politician (1815 - 1898)
Bissell, Tom (2)
Bixby, Lawrence (1)
Blackstone, William (1) - English jurist (1723 - 1780)
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown (1) - US abolitionist, preacher, & suffragist (1825 - 1921)
Blackwell, Lawana (14)
Blair, Hugh (1)
Blair, Tom (1)
Blair, Tony (2) - British politician (1953 - )
Blake, John (1)
Blake, Peter (2)
Blake, William (17) - English engraver, illustrator, & poet (1757 - 1827)
Blanc, Louis (1) - French (Spanish-born) historian & socialist politician (1811 - 1882)
Blattner, Jerome (1)
Bloch, Robert (1) - US horror & science fiction author (1917 - 1994)
Bloom, Amy (1)
Bloom, Harold (2) - US author, critic, educator, & scholar (1930 - )
Blount, Roy Jr. (1)
Blum, Leon (1) - French politician (1872 - 1950)
Bocelli, Andrea (1)
Boethius(522) (1)
Bogan, Louise (1)
Bogart, John B. (1) - (1848 - 1921)
Bohr, Niels (5) - Danish physicist (1885 - 1962)
Boileau, Nicolas (1) - French critic & satiric poet (1636 - 1711)
Boliska, Al (1)
Bombeck, Erma (4) - US author & humorist (1927 - 1996)
Bonaparte, Napoleon (15) - French general & politician (1769 - 1821)
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (2) - German Protestant theologian & anti-Nazi activist (1906 - 1945)
Bonner, Marita (1)
Bono (2) - Irish lead singer of U2 (1960 - )
Boorstin, Daniel J. (3) - US historian (1914 - )
Boosler, Elayne (1)
Booth, Teena (1)
Borden, Peter (1)
Borenstein, Nathaniel (1) - US programmer (1957 - )
Borge, Victor (4) - US (Danish-born) comedian & pianist (1909 - 2000)
Borger, Gloria (1)
Borges, Jorge Luis (3) - Argentine novelist & poet (1899 - 1986)
Bos, Charles Du (1)
Bossuet, Jacques (2) - French author & bishop (1627 - 1704)
Boswell, James (2) - Scottish author & biographer (1740 - 1795)
Bourne, Alec (1)
Bovee, Christine (1)
Bowen, Elizabeth (3) - Irish novelist & short story author (1899 - 1973)
Bowen, Ezra (1)
Bowles, Chester (2) - US diplomat & economist (1901 - 1986)
Boyd, Danah (1)
Boyd, L. M. (1)
Boyden, Frank (1)
Boyer, Herbert W. (1) - co-founder of Genentech, Inc.
Brabazon, Lord (1) - (1884 - 1964)
Bradbury, Ray (4) - US science fiction author (1920 - )
Bradford, John (1)
Bradford, William (1) - American Pilgrim leader (1590 - 1657)
Bradley, Omar (1) - US general (1893 - 1981)
Bradstreet, Anne (1) - American poet (1612 - 1672)
Braeck, Leo (1)
Braff, Zach (2)
Bragg, Sir William (2) - British physicist (1862 - 1942)
Brahms, Johannes (1)
Brande, Dorothea (1)
Brandeis, Louis D. (5) - US jurist (1856 - 1941)
Brando, Marlon (1) - US movie actor (1924 - 2004)
Brandt, Anthony (1)
Brant, Sebastian (1) - German humanist & poet (1457 - 1521)
Braude, Jacob (1)
Braun, Wernher von (3) - US (German-born) rocket engineer (1912 - 1977)
Brecht, Bertolt (4) - German Communist & dramatist (1898 - 1956)
Brenner, Antonia (1)
Brenner, Norman (1)
Breslin, Jimmy (1)
Bresson, Robert (1)
Brewster, Benjamin H. (1) - US lawyer (1816 - 1888)
Bridges, William (1)
Bridie, James (1)
Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme (2) - French gourmet & lawyer (1755 - 1826)
Brin, David (2) - US engineer and science fiction author (1950 - )
Bringle, Robert (1)
Brinkley, David (1) - US television newscaster (1920 - 2003)
Brisbane, Arthur (2)
Brock, Alice May (1)
Broder, David (1)
Brody, Jane E. (1)
Bromel, Henry (5)
Bronson, Po (1)
Bronte, Anne (2) - English novelist (1820 - 1849)
Bronte, Charlotte (6) - English novelist (1816 - 1855)
Brookman, Adele (1)
Brooks, Fred (1)
Brooks, Garth (1)
Brooks, Gwendolyn (2) - US poet (1917 - )
Brooks, Martha (1)
Brooks, Mel (5) - US actor, comedian, & movie director (1926 - )
Brooks, Paul (1)
Brooks, Phillips (2) - US Episcopal bishop (1835 - 1893)
Brothers, Dr. Joyce (5) - US psychologist & television personality (1928 - )
Brougham, Henry (1) - Scottish jurist & politician (1778 - 1868)
Broun, Heywood (5) - US journalist (1888 - 1939)
Broun, Hob (1)
Brown, Hobart (1)
Brown, John (1)
Brown, John Mason (2) - US literary critic (1900 - 1969)
Brown, Les (1)
Brown, Lester (1)
Brown, Paul (1) - US football coach & owner (1908 - 1991)
Brown, Rita Mae (10) - US author and social activist
Brown, Sam (1)
Browne, Sir Thomas (3) - (1605 - 1682)
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (2) - English poet (1806 - 1861)
Browning, Robert (7) - English poet (1812 - 1889)
Browning, Sir Frederick (1) - (1896 - 1965)
Broyard, Anatole (1)
Bruce, Lenny (2) - (1923 - 1966)
Brummond, Thomas (1)
Bruno, Frank (1)
Bruyere, Jean de la (5) - French moralist (1645 - 1696)
Bryan, J. S. (1)
Bryan, William Jennings (3) - US lawyer, orator, & politician (1860 - 1925)
Buchan, John (1) - Scottish author & politician (1875 - 1940)
Buchanan, Edna (1)
Buchrose, J. E. (1)
Buchwald, Art (1) - US author, columnist, dramatist, & journalist (1925 - 2007)
Buck, Pearl (10) - US novelist in China (1892 - 1973)
Buck, Pearl S. (3)
Buckner, Brian (3)
Buddha (4) - Indian philosopher & religious leader (563 BC - 483 BC)
Buffett, Jimmy (5)
Buffett, Warren (9) - US financier & investment businessman (1930 - )
Buffon, Comte de (1) - French mathematician & naturalist (1707 - 1788)
Bujold, Lois McMaster (46) - US science fiction author
Bukowski, Charles (5) - US (German-born) author & poet (1920 - 1994)
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (20) - English dramatist, novelist, & politician (1803 - 1873)
Bunuel, Luis (1) - Mexican (Spanish-born) Surrealist movie director (1900 - 1983)
Buonarroti, Michelangelo (6) - Italian architect, painter, & sculptor (1475 - 1564)
Buress, Hannibal (1)
Burgess, Anthony (4) - British composer & novelist (1917 - 1993)
Burgess, Gelett (1) - US humorist & illustrator (1866 - 1951)
Burgess, Martha (1)
Burke, Edmund (16) - Irish orator, philosopher, & politician (1729 - 1797)
Burke, Leo J. (1)
Burnett, Carol (4) - US actress & comedienne (1936 - )
Burnett, Leo (1)
Burnham, Daniel H. (1) - US architect & city planner (1846 - 1912)
Burnham, Sophy (1)
Burns, Eric A. (3)
Burns, George (19) - US actor & comedian (1896 - 1996)
Burns, Robert (4) - Scottish national poet (1759 - 1796)
Burr, Aaron (1) - US conspirator & politician (1756 - 1836)
Burr, Amelia (1)
Burritt, Elihu (1)
Burroughs, John (6) - US essayist & naturalist (1837 - 1921)
Burroughs, William S. (6) - US author (1914 - 1997)
Burton, Nat (1)
Burton, Robert (1) - English author, clergyman, & scholar (1577 - 1640)
Burton, Sir Richard Francis (4) - British explorer & orientalist (1821 - 1890)
Buscaglia, Leo (5) - US author & lecturer (1925 - 1998)
Bush, Barbara (1) - US wife of George Bush 1945 (1925 - )
Bush, George (2) - 41st president of US (1924 - )
Bush, George W. (27) - 43rd President of US (1946 - )
Bush, Vannevar (1) - US electrical engineer (1890 - 1974)
Butler, Brett (1)
Butler, Nicholas (1) - (1862 - 1947)
Butler, R. A. (2) - British (Indian-born) politician (1902 - 1982)
Butler, Samuel (22) - English composer, novelist, & satiric author (1835 - 1902)
Buxton, Charles (3)
Byrne, Robert (8)
Byrnes, James F. (1) - US jurist & politician (1879 - 1972)
Byron, Lord (6) - English poet & satirist (1788 - 1824)
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