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- Read the works of William Shakespeare online at The Literature Page
- Your face, my thane, is as a book where men
May read strange matters... - William Shakespeare, Macbeth, act 1 scene 5
- Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act 1, sc. 3
- Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act I, sc. 1
- But 'tis strange and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray's in deepest consequence.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act I, sc. 3
- Yet I do fear thy nature; it is too full o' the milk of human kindness.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act I, sc. 5
- But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we'll not fail.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act I, sc. 7
- I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself, and falls on the other.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act I, sc. 7
- If it were done, when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act I, sc. 7
- Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible to feelings as to sight?
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, sc. 1
- Methought I heard a voice cry, "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep!"- the innocent sleep.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, sc. 2
- Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleave of care, the death of each day's life, sore labour's bath, balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, chief nourisher in life's feast.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, sc. 2
- Shake off this downy sleep, death's counterfeit, and look on death itself.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, sc. 3
- The expedition of my violent love outrun the pauser, reason.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, sc. 3
- There's daggers in men's smiles.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, sc. 3
- [Drink] provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, sc. 3
- 'Tis much he dares; and, to that dauntless temper of his mind, he hath a wisdom that doth guide his valour to act in safety.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act III, sc. 1
- Things without all remedy should be without regard: What's done is done.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act III, sc. 2
- His flight was madness: when our actions do not, our fears do make us traitors.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act IV, sc. 2
- There's no bottom, none, in my voluptuousness: Your wives, your daughters, your matrons and your maids, could not fill up the cistern of my lust.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act IV, sc. 3
- A great perturbation in nature, to receive at once the benefit of sleep and do the effects of watching!
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act V, sc. 1
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