Quotations by Author

Demosthenes (384 BC - 322 BC)
Greek orator & politician in Athens [more author details]
Showing quotations 1 to 11 of 11 total
All speech is vain and empty unless it be accompanied by action.
Beware lest in your anxiety to avoid war you obtain a master.
He who confers a favor should at once forget it, if he is not to show a sordid ungenerous spirit. To remind a man of a kindness conferred and to talk of it, is little different from reproach.
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
The easiest thing of all is to deceive one's self; for what a man wishes he generally believes to be true.
The fact speak for themselves.
The man who has received a benefit ought always to remember it, but he who has granted it ought to forget the fact at once.
Every advantage in the past is judged in the light of the final issue.
Demosthenes, First Olynthiac
There is a great deal of wishful thinking in such cases; it is the easiest thing of all to deceive one’s self.
Demosthenes, Olynthiac
Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.
Demosthenes, Third Olynthiac
You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man's actions are, such must be his spirit.
Demosthenes, Third Olynthiac

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