Quotes of the Day
Selected from Michael Moncur's Collection of Quotations - January 08, 2025
- I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
- Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
- Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense, differing from the latter only as a veteran may differ from a raw recruit: and its methods differ from those of common sense only as far as the guardsman's cut and thrust differ from the manner in which a savage wields his club.
- Thomas H. Huxley (1825 - 1895)
- The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes.
- Dave Barry (1947 - ), "The Taming of the Screw"
- What music is more enchanting than the voices of young people, when you can't hear what they say?
- Logan Pearsall Smith (1865 - 1946), Afterthoughts (1931) "Age and Death"
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