Motivational Quotes of the Day

Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - February 06, 2025
Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "All's Well That Ends Well", Act 1 Scene 1  
When you point your finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you.
There is no silver bullet and frankly you probably don’t need one. It is far more important to be able to find the right kind of gun, be able to load the gun … and perhaps most importantly, be able to figure out where the werewolf is.
Matthew Oliphant, Useability Works, 03-22-2006  
There is no joy in a life that is all information. There is no 'juice' to that kind of life. No sweetness, no color. Like trading a beautiful golden-ripe orange for a stalk of whithered broccoli.
Tish Grier, love and sex and dreams, 04-15-06  

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Note: These quotes are randomly selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotes collection by an automatic routine once a day. If you want more quotes, try the Quotations by Author page to browse our entire collection, or try the Random Quotations Page, which chooses new quotes each time you load it.