Motivational Quotes of the Day

Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - July 22, 2024
You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)  
You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894)  
I can't criticize what I don't understand. If you want to call this art, you've got the benefit of all my doubts.
Charles Rosin, Northern Exposure, Aurora Borealis, 1990  
There is no silver bullet and frankly you probably don’t need one. It is far more important to be able to find the right kind of gun, be able to load the gun … and perhaps most importantly, be able to figure out where the werewolf is.
Matthew Oliphant, Useability Works, 03-22-2006  

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Note: These quotes are randomly selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotes collection by an automatic routine once a day. If you want more quotes, try the Quotations by Author page to browse our entire collection, or try the Random Quotations Page, which chooses new quotes each time you load it.