Motivational Quotes of the Day

Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - July 08, 2024
Appetite, with an opinion of attaining, is called hope; the same, without such opinion, despair.
Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679)  
I've arrived at this outermost edge of my life by my own actions. Where I am is thoroughly unacceptable. Therefore, I must stop doing what I've been doing.
Alice Koller, An Unknown Woman, 1982  
What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine.
Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004), Against Interpretation, 1966  
Please write again soon. Though my own life is filled with activity, letters encourage momentary escape into others lives and I come back to my own with greater contentment.
Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey, 'A Woman of Independent Means'  

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