Motivational Quotes of the Day

Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - June 04, 2016
The universe seems wondrous to me, with or without God. It has powerful lines and uncompromising ways. Patience and time sit like sages on the planets, strong and impersonal. There is a stark beauty to all of this.
Gordon Atkinson, weblog, September 4, 2003  
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good health has vanished.
Og Mandino (1923 - 1996)  
Touch your customer, and you're halfway there.
Estee Lauder  
How could it be? She watched, observed, reflected, and finally determined that this was not a case of fortitude or of resignation only. A submissive spirit might be patient, a strong understanding would supply resolution, but here was something more; here was that elasticity of mind, that disposition to be comforted, that power of turning readily from evil to good, and of finding employment which carried her out of herself, which was from nature alone. It was the choicest gift of Heaven.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818  

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