Motivational Quotes of the Day

Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - April 17, 2016
Speak properly, and in as few words as you can, but always plainly; for the end of speech is not ostentation, but to be understood.
William Penn (1644 - 1718)  
There are always survivors at a massacre. Among the victors, if nowhere else.
Lois McMaster Bujold, Ethan of Athos, 1986  
I pay very little what any young person says on the subject of marriage. If they profess a disinclination for it, I only set it down that they have not yet seen the right person.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Mansfield Park  
When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things.
Gordon Atkinson, Real Live Preacher weblog, 07-08-04  

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Note: These quotes are randomly selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotes collection by an automatic routine once a day. If you want more quotes, try the Quotations by Author page to browse our entire collection, or try the Random Quotations Page, which chooses new quotes each time you load it.