Motivational Quotes of the Day

Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - November 26, 2015
The unspoken word never does harm.
I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming that comes when you finish the life of the emotions and of personal relations; and suddenly find - at the age of fifty, say - that a whole new life has opened before you, filled with things you can think about, study, or read about...It is as if a fresh sap of ideas and thoughts was rising in you.
Agatha Christie (1890 - 1976), An Autobiography, 1977  
Make your life a mission - not an intermission.
Arnold Glasgow  
After you've been in a place for a while, everything starts to look... I won't say better, there's no need to go to extremes...but your everyday life does start to become...familiar.
David Assael, Northern Exposure, Russian Flu, 1990  

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