Quotations Weblog

Archives for the 'TV' Category

Criminal Minds, Episode 2.5

October 20th, 2006 by Michael Moncur in TV

Each week I present the quotations used in the CBS series Criminal Minds. Since this week’s episode had a bit of a surprise ending and was essentially the first half of a two-part episode, there was only one quotation:

Incidentally, some readers have asked how to find previous posts about Criminal Minds. I’ve created a TV category for this purpose. Click on the category name (TV) to view all of the posts about television, most of which are about this particular show.

Criminal Minds, episode 2.4

October 13th, 2006 by Michael Moncur in TV

Once again, the latest episode of Criminal Minds on CBS included quotations at the beginning and ending of the episode, and once again, people are asking us what they were. Here are the quotes from this week’s episode:

The Kundera quotation was used in an abbreviated form: “The basis of shame is not some personal mistake of ours, but that this humiliation is seen by everyone.” I’m reasonably sure the longer version above is the correct one. Their rendering stripped much of the meaning from the quotation, although the essence remains.

Stay tuned each week for our report on the quotations used in this show.

Criminal Minds, Episode 2.3

October 6th, 2006 by Michael Moncur in TV

Once again, the latest episode of Criminal Minds on CBS included quotations at the beginning and ending of the episode. Here’s the first:

I’ve seen a different version of this quotation from Mark Twain, so I wasn’t sure if this one is correct, but it appears to be from one of his essays. The similar quotation is from Twain’s autobiography:

And finally, here’s the quotation from the ending of the episode. I haven’t been able to confirm this one yet.

Criminal Minds airs each Wednesday evening, check your local listings for details. Stay tuned next week for quotations from the next episode.

Criminal Minds, episode 2.2

September 29th, 2006 by Michael Moncur in TV

The second episode of Season 2 of Criminal Minds aired Wednesday. As usual, here’s a recap of quotations mentioned in the episode. Unusually, there was only one this time:

I hope this doesn’t indicate that they’re phasing out the quotations, as I’ve enjoyed them. If they do continue, stay tuned each week for our reports.

Criminal Minds, Episode 2.1

September 22nd, 2006 by Michael Moncur in TV

CBS’s series Criminal Minds started its second season Wednesday, and I’m pleased to report that it’s just as obsessed with quotations as before. I was also pleasantly surprised that the bizarre puzzle created by the kidnapper actually had a solution—some enterprising folks on the net even figured it out between seasons.

Since I’ve written about the show before, we get many questions each time an episode airs about the quotations used in the show. I’ll try to keep up this season and post them every week. Here are the quotations from Season 2 episode 1:

I haven’t verified the source of either of these, but they appear here exactly as read on the show.

While I’m answering questions, the song played at the end of the episode was “The Riddle” by Five for Fighting, and the Chaucer poem that the kidnapper quoted from was The Parliament of Fowls. Any American TV show that quotes La Rochefoucauld and Chaucer in the same episode is worth watching in my book.

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