Quotations Weblog

Archives for the 'Quotations' Category

Pretty Annoying Virtues

August 10th, 2007 by Laura Moncur in Quotations

Pretty Annoying Virtues: doesn’t that sound like a great band name?

As long as the sinners don’t get me thrown in jail.

Sometimes, in the end, it is best to just accept our friends for what they are.

Jimmy Wales Explains Life

August 8th, 2007 by Laura Moncur in Quotations

I was sitting in the audience when Jimmy Wales said this famous phrase. He was talking about his experience with mediating things on Wikipedia, but this quote covers life outside of the Internet as well.

All of the people I’ve met in person, whether they are Democrats or Republicans, are either reasonable or jerks. It’s a pretty easy line to draw. I’ve met reasonable Democrats and Republicans. I’ve met jerks in both categories as well.

Next time you find yourself in an argument, either online or in real life. Think to yourself, “Am I being a jerk? Am I being reasonable? Is the other person being a jerk or reasonable?” If you find yourself in an argument with a jerk, just drop it. They just want to raise your hackles.

If you find yourself being a jerk, stop it and go exercise. You’ll feel better afterward and maybe keep your friend.

Get Fuzzy Quotes Einstein

July 27th, 2007 by Laura Moncur in Quotations

Get Fuzzy 07-26-07

Get Fuzzy 07-27-07

To see more Get Fuzzy Comics:

New Quotation Authors: June 2007

July 17th, 2007 by Michael Moncur in Biography, Quotations

We add new quotations to this site every day, and in the process new author pages are added. Despite the size of our collection, many famous people aren’t included here yet. The following are some of the new author pages we added last month:

Since these are new authors to the site, most have few quotations so far, but we’ll continue to expand them. Stay tuned for highlights of the authors we’ve added in July, and as always let us know if we’re missing one of your favorite authors.

A Word Puzzle From Arrow

July 3rd, 2007 by Laura Moncur in Quotations

Arrow started a word puzzle in the Quotations Page Forum last week and it has been an interesting and fun game for all the readers there.

Her description of the puzzle is as follows:

The rule is simple. Just guess the question right with the given clue. Let’s try.

A word that starts with letter P which is given to a number of media correspondents?

Very quickly, the answer, paparazzi, was given. It was then that person’s turn to give us a puzzle and judge the answers.

This has been going on for over a week now and the questions have gotten continually harder and more interesting! If you like word puzzles, come join us in the Quotations Page Forum and play!

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