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Visit Yourself

March 10th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

Some people say that we are not supposed to work on Sundays because it is a day of worship. They believe it’s “God’s Day”. I don’t believe that.

Don’t get me wrong. I think people should take one day a week off from work, whether it’s Sunday, Saturday or some other day in the week. We all need one day where there is no work. That includes home work, house work, errands and chores. We all need one day a week where nothing is expected of us. We need one day a week where we can do whatever we want.

I have found that since I set aside one day a week where I don’t need to write, exercise or do housework, I am much more productive. I take the time to go to the mountains for a hike or go to the river valley for a bike ride. I use that time to color in coloring books or draw pictures or paint with acrylics. I use that time to sleep. Sometimes I spend more time in bed than I do out of it. If that’s what I need that week, that’s what I do.

Try this practice and you will find your week runs much more smoothly. Here are some hints to help you succeed:

  • If you are religious and your Sunday (or Saturday) is filled with church duties, you still need to set aside a day where you have no responsibilities except with yourself.

  • Tell your family that you are taking one day just for yourself. You can invite them along on your activities if you wish or take them alone if you need the privacy. You be the judge.

  • Planning – Make sure you do the laundry and house cleaning on the evenings during the week so that you can have one day on the weekend that it just for you.

  • Guard that time like you would with an appointment with a doctor whose schedule is full months in advance. Don’t let anyone invade your day with yourself with chores. People will test your devotion to yourself. Pass the test by keeping your time to yourself sacred.

Giving yourself one day a week just for you is the one of the best things you can do for yourself. You will be far more productive during the week after you have been able to dedicate time for you.

Confidence Is Sexy

March 6th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

This quotation is true for men as well as women, but there is one caveat. It has to be true confidence, not that fake kind. When you try to fake confidence, people can see it a mile away. You need to build your own list of things that you are confident about yourself. If you have nothing on your list, then you need to stop worrying about being sexy and start building your strengths.

If you do a Google search on “building confidence” you will find a lot of companies that want you to pay them money to help you out. Instead of trusting them, let’s look what the greats of the past have to say about building self-confidence.

To Do What Can’t Be Done

March 3rd, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

Seeing a quote like this makes me want to jump up and volunteer to work for Henry Ford. I want to be a part of something innovative. I want to work for someone who is trying to push the limits of technology. Sure, Henry Ford is long gone and I can’t work for him, but talk like this makes me want to do what can’t be done.

I think there are other leaders in the business world that are like this. Steve Jobs comes to mind. He requires the best from his employees and they create products that are “impossibly small” or “insanely great.”

The truth of the matter is there is no boss out there who is going to demand the best of us. They expect it and if we don’t give it, they either put up with us or fire us. The only person out there who can demand the best of us is ourselves. If we want a career that is “insanely great” we have to expect excellence from ourselves and nothing less. While we are at our places of work, we should give our all if we want to see excellence in the world. The same holds true for home. If you are a member of a family, demand the best of yourself for them also.

There is no one out there who is going to hold our feet to the fire and demand the best from us. We have to hold ourselves to the fire if we want to see excellence in ourselves.

Optimist Vs. Pessimist

February 27th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

For me, I choose optimist. It’s too easy to fall into the depression of pessimism. Fight it with all your might and keep your optimism alive.

Most Would Choose None

January 27th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

We now live in an era where we artists don’t need to choose record labels or galleries or publishers. Using the Internet, we can find audiences for our art without having to placate or pay a middleman. For photographers and painters, there is Flickr. For writers, there is Blogger. For musicians, there is Better Propaganda. If you want to create, there is a way for you to get your art in front of people looking for it.

What are you waiting for?

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