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Archives for the 'Motivation' Category

Regard Little Things As Important

October 2nd, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

If there is one aspect of my personality that I feel is really powerful, it’s my ability to work around the irritating things in life. I find little ways to make my life more efficient. This was irritating when I worked for other people because I eventually got to the point where I would run out of work because I had increased my efficiency. Instead of being rewarded for this, I was just given more work. I didn’t really think that was fair.

Now, if I can get things done quickly, that just leaves more time for me to write.

In essence, I treat myself just like my former bosses. I give myself more work.

There are many ways to make our lives more efficient. As Lichtenberg said, because we regard little things as important, we are able to work around the irritating things in life. What are the great things that you have created in your life to make your life easier?

Happiness is…

September 28th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

I want to believe this. I really do, but I think that it’s possible to be happy and not really know where the heck you’re going. I think it’s even possible to be happy and have regrets or reservations. For me, happiness is something entirely different.

Happiness is having something to do and someone to do it with and someplace to sleep at night.

I don’t need much more than that.

What is happiness to you?

Enjoy Idling Thoroughly

September 27th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

I haven’t found this to be true. When I have completed everything on my list for a day, I feel much better lazing around than when my mind is full of the activities that I am avoiding. Jerome K. Jerome may have been funny when he said this, but for me, I prefer to check the things off my list before I can thoroughly enjoy my idling.

Of course, I can’t do that if I don’t have a list. If I don’t start my day out with a list of chores that I want completed, then I never feel truly done. I can’t enjoy my down time if I don’t reach the point where I can check the last thing off the list. Setting that goal for each day really increases my ability to enjoy my time when I’m done.

So, make a list. Check off your duties and you will be able to thoroughly enjoy your idling far more than Jerome ever thought possible.

Fear Is a Darkroom

September 26th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

What have you been fearing lately? Have you let those negative thoughts develop in your darkroom of fear? Turn on the lights and let them shine brightly on your fears. Let the sun expose those negatives for what they really are: blank film. It was your imagination that turned them into monsters.

How To Make Ten Million Dollars

September 8th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Motivation

Jim Carrey has two thoughts on how to be successful in life.

Not only do you visualize your success, but you have to get out there and do the work.

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