Enjoy Idling Thoroughly
September 27th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in MotivationI haven’t found this to be true. When I have completed everything on my list for a day, I feel much better lazing around than when my mind is full of the activities that I am avoiding. Jerome K. Jerome may have been funny when he said this, but for me, I prefer to check the things off my list before I can thoroughly enjoy my idling.
Of course, I can’t do that if I don’t have a list. If I don’t start my day out with a list of chores that I want completed, then I never feel truly done. I can’t enjoy my down time if I don’t reach the point where I can check the last thing off the list. Setting that goal for each day really increases my ability to enjoy my time when I’m done.
So, make a list. Check off your duties and you will be able to thoroughly enjoy your idling far more than Jerome ever thought possible.