July 26th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in QuotationsThe smarmy guy from the Apple commercials is in a movie called Accepted. I really just clicked on the trailer because I wanted to see if this guy would be the same jerk as the “Apple” in the commercials. Instead I was pleasantly surprised by a witty and intelligent movie about the state of our colleges in the United States.
It’s rare when I can get a good quote from a movie. Most movies are written so it’s nearly impossible to get a quote that stands alone. I was able to get an amazing quote from just the trailer.
The truth of the matter is I learned more on my own than I ever learned from college. Every time I get mailers from my alma mater, I want to burn them. They want me to donate to the scholarship fund. The same scholarship I received to attend. I really feel like I SHOULD donate, but I feel so ripped off by my college experience that I fantasize about setting each of those flyers on fire in a blaze.
Instead, I put them in the recycling bin and attend to my own learning. It looks like this movie could be the best sequel to Animal House that has been conceived.
July 26th, 2006 at 10:27 pm
I can’t help but agree that I’ve learned more from my life’s experienes than I ever learned in school. I found out in school how much information the world has to offer that is absolutely useless in my daily life.