Quotations Weblog

Unshelved Week: Slam

November 2nd, 2007 by Laura Moncur in Literature

Slam by Nick Hornby at Amazon.comIf you’ve ever had a conversation with an imaginary friend, you’ll be charmed by Slam by Nick Hornby:

Sam is a disarmingly ordinary 15-year-old kid who loves to skate (that’s skateboarding, to you and me). But then he is blindsided: his girlfriend gets pregnant, and he lands in the middle of his mum’s nightmare (she had Sam when she was 16). This may sound like an old-fashioned realistic YA problem novel, but it’s a whole lot more. Sam, you see, has a sort-of-imaginary friend: the world’s greatest skater, Tony Hawk, whose poster Sam talks to when he has problems. And the poster talks back, maybe, or maybe Sam is just reciting quotes from Tony’s autobiography. And is it really Tony who is “whizzing” Sam into the future for glimpses of what is to come? With or without Tony’s help, Sam gives us the facts about his very eventful couple of years, but as he reminds us, “there comes a point where the facts don’t matter anymore . . . because you don’t know what anything felt like.”

From the author of About a Boy and Hi Fidelity, Nick Hornby tells the story of Sam.

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