Quotation Forum Fluff Game: Now It’s Your Turn
March 10th, 2007 by Laura Moncur in QuotationsI have been thoroughly entertained for the last half hour reading the game in the Quotations Forum called: Now It’s Your Turn. You can see it here:
This is the description of the game from our inventive QuoteMaster, libra&libra:
Hello Friends;
It is a real funny and interesting game that I am inviting you all to share with me.
We know that words are infinite, so the game is to pick up any word at random that passes by your mind and the one who follows has to construst a meaningful sentence using the word that you suggested before.
After typing the sentence, he has to leave another random word for the one who follows and so on….
For example: I will suggest the word “Schools” and the one who follows has to use “Schools” in a sentence of his own for instance: “Don’t let schools stand in the way of your education.”
Once you post your quotation, you get to choose the next word. They have been playing this game for seven months and the range of words have been funny, inspiring and just plain enjoyable.
The last word looking for a quotation was posted today: Strength.
Know any good strength quotations? If you do, log onto our forum and play the Now It’s Your Turn Game!
March 11th, 2007 at 10:44 am
Dear Laura,
Thank you for highlightening this idea here … it just came by my head and I just wanted to all share an enjoyable, funny and infinite game … we all share and learn and have fun ..
Thanks again and ideas are never ending since we have a creative mind.
March 17th, 2007 at 1:51 pm
A person is defined not by their strengths, but by their weaknesses.