Quotations Weblog

Criminal Minds, episode 2.8

November 10th, 2006 by Michael Moncur in Quotations, TV

Every week, we bring you the quotations used in the CBS crime drama Criminal Minds. Here’s the one from the beginning of this week’s episode:

The show used the word “prize” rather than “throne,” which I’m assuming was an attempt to make it sound more applicable to modern situations, but made me think more of game shows. I’m not sure which word is correct, or if the quotation is authentic—it does appear all over the web, but I haven’t been able to verify it.

There was no quotation at the end of the episode this time, but midway through the show, one of the characters made an offhand remark about what “a cognitive scientist at MIT” said about coincidences. That turns out to be an authentic quotation:

It doesn’t surprise me to learn that the writers of this show read Psychology Today. You can read the entire article here: The Power of Coincidence

Criminal Minds airs Wednesday evenings on CBS. For our previous writings about this show, see the TV category.

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