Nobody To Thank
November 23rd, 2005 by Laura Moncur in Motivation
I love this quote because I have felt it so many times. Being an atheist isn’t as easy as you might think it is. Sure, there are no lengthy church services to endure, but facing the void of the unknown alone is a difficult task. Far more difficult than a few Hail Marys.
We are embarking on Thanksgiving and there will be prayers before the big meal. There are so many things that I am thankful for this year. I may not be able to thank a divine being for the gifts that have been bestowed on me, but that doesn’t make me any less grateful.
Here is a quick list of the things I’m thankful for this year:
- Being a full-time writer.
- Having a wonderful, funny and smart husband.
- Having a sister who is a best friend.
- Having a brother-in-law who is better than a brother.
- Having a mother who always knows the right thing to say.
- Having a supportive community of friends.
- Having a computer that works so I can write without restrictions.
- Having a loyal group of readers who find what I have to say interesting enough to keep coming back. (Thanks, guys!)
I could go on listing all the other things that I am grateful for in my life. This list is just a beginning for me. Whether you have a god to thank or not, please make your own list and make it known to the world.