Quotations Weblog

Rosa Parks Eulogized

November 2nd, 2005 by Laura Moncur in News
The only tired I was, was tired of giving in.
Rosa Parks, (on refusing to give up her seat on the bus)

Rosa ParksBefore I was born, a young woman stood up for herself and the rest of the oppressed by refusing to give up her seat on a bus. I remember seeing a dramatization of her defiant act on television. I remember thinking how tired she must have been to defy all the customs of the South. I remember thinking how absurd the customs had been.

I was lucky enough to grow up in a “First Come, First Served” world. It doesn’t matter whether the color of your skin or whom you love or what language you speak. If you are on the bus and get a seat first in Salt Lake City, no one is going to ask you to give up your seat. Instead of bigotry, I’ve grown up with kindness. I’ve seen people give up their seats to the elderly, to pregnant women and to people who just look tired.

Thank you, Rosa, for your part in making my world a better place to grow up.

Rosa Park’s funeral was today. She was eulogized by the most powerful in the nation. Here’s what they said about her:

Rosa Parks Quotations – The Quotations Page

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