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Results of search for Quote or Author: goodness - Page 3 of 3
Showing results 21 to 28 of 28 total quotations found.
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Results from Rand Lindsly's Quotations:

Men should not try to overstrain their goodness more than any other faculty.
Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness.
Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)
We are here to add to the sum of human goodness. To prove the thing exists. And however futile each individual act of courage or generosity, self-sacrifice or grace-it still proves the thing exists. Each act adds to the fund. It needs replenishment. Not only because evil flourishes, and is, most indefensibly, defended. But because goodness is no longer a respectable aim in life. The hound of hell, envy, has driven it from the house.
Josephine Hart, "Sin"

Results from Poor Man's College:

There are many kinds of smiles, each having a distinct character. Some announce goodness, and sweetness, others betray sarcasm, bitterness, and pride; some soften the countenance by their languishing tenderness, others brighten by their spiritual vivacity.
Johann Kaspar Lavater
The main source of our wealth is goodness. The affections and the generous qualities that God admires in a world full of greed.
Alfred A. Montapert
Today we are afraid of simple words like goodness and mercy and kindness. We don't believe in the good old words because we don't believe in good old values anymore. And that's why the world is sick.
Lin Yutang
Every divine promise is built upon four pillars; God's justice or holiness, which will not suffer Him to deceive; His grace or goodness, which will not suffer Him to forget; His truth, which will not suffer Him to change; and His power, which makes Him able to accomplish.
I don't believe in the goodness of disagreeable people.
O. Dewey
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Results of search for Quote or Author: goodness - Page 3 of 3
Showing results 21 to 28 of 28 total quotations found.

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