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Results of search for Quote: weather - Page 3 of 4
Showing results 21 to 30 of 32 total quotations found.
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Results from Classic Quotes:

The true trophy hunter is a self-disciplined perfectionist seeking a single animal, the ancient patriarch well past his prime that is often an outcast from his own kind... If successful, he will enshrine the trophy in a place of honor. This is a more noble and fitting end than dying on some lost and lonely ledge where the scavengers will pick his bones, and his magnificent horns will weather away and be lost forever.
Elgin Gates, Trophy Hunter in Asia

Results from Cole's Quotables:

Isn't it interesting that the same people who laugh at science fiction listen to weather forecasts and economists?
Kelvin Throop III
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book
All of us could take a lesson from the weather, it pays no attention to criticism.
North DeKalb Kiwanis Club Beacon
Weather is a great bluffer. I guess the same is true of our human society -- things can look dark, then a break shows in the clouds, and all is changed.
E. B. White (1899 - 1985)
Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while.
Kin Hubbard (1868 - 1930)
The weather-cock on the church spire, though made of iron, would soon be broken by the storm-wind if it... did not understand the noble art of turning to every wind.
Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856)
A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.
Robert Frost (1874 - 1963)

Results from Rand Lindsly's Quotations:

For every living creature that succeeds in getting a footing in life there are thousands or millions that perish. There is an enormous random scattering for every seed that comes to life. This does not remind us of intelligent human design. "If a man in order to shoot a hare, were to discharge thousands of guns on a great moor in all possible directions; if in order to get into a locked room, he were to buy ten thousand casual keys, and try them all; if, in order to have a house, he were to build a town, and leave all the other houses to wind and weather - assuredly no one would call such proceedings purposeful and still less would anyone conjecture behind these proceedings a higher wisdom, unrevealed reasons, and superior prudence."
J.W.N. Sullivan
What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)
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Results of search for Quote: weather - Page 3 of 4
Showing results 21 to 30 of 32 total quotations found.