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Results of search for Quote: good - Page 89 of 101
Showing results 881 to 890 of 1002 total quotations found.
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Results from Poor Man's College:

How frequently are the honesty and integrity of a man disposed of by a smile or a shrug. How many good and generous actions have been sunk into oblivion by a distrustful look, or stamped with the imputation of bad motives, by a mysterious and seasonable whisper!
Modern man's loss of a sense of being sinful doesn't spring from a feeling that he is inherently good. Rather, it springs from his feeling of being inherently ineffectual.
Brendan Francis
There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.
Woodrow Wilson (1856 - 1924)
To learn to get along without, to realize that what the world is going to demand of us may be a good deal more important than what we are entitled to demand of it - this is a hard lesson.
Bruce Catton
The good Lord gave me a brain that works so fast that in one moment I can worry as much as it would take others a whole year to achieve.
Author Unknown
Do all the work you can; that is the whole philosophy of the good way of life.
Eugene Delacroix (1798 - 1863)
It is a kind of good deed to say well; and yet words are not deeds.
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
The main source of our wealth is goodness. The affections and the generous qualities that God admires in a world full of greed.
Alfred A. Montapert
If nations could overcome the mutual fear and distrust whose somber shadow is now thrown over the world, and could meet with confidence and good will to settle their possible differences, they would easily be able to establish a lasting peace.
Fridjof Nansen
The quality of American life must keep pace with the quantity of American goods. This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor.
John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)
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Results of search for Quote: good - Page 89 of 101
Showing results 881 to 890 of 1002 total quotations found.