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Results of search for Quote: good - Page 35 of 101
Showing results 341 to 350 of 1002 total quotations found.
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Results from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations:

Cakes have such a terrible habit of turning out bad just when you especially want them to be good.
L. M. Montgomery (1874 - 1942), Anne of Green Gables, 1908
It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable.
L. M. Montgomery (1874 - 1942), Anne of Green Gables, 1908
Whenever you looked forward to anything pleasant you were sure to be more or less disappointed . . . perhaps that is true. But there is a good side to it too. The bad things don't always come up to your expectations either . . . they nearly always turn out ever so much better than you think.
L. M. Montgomery (1874 - 1942), Anne of Green Gables, 1908
To be claimed as a good, though in an improper style, is at least better than being rejected as no good at all.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818
One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818
Family connexions were always worth preserving, good company always worth seeking.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818
My idea of good company is the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818
Good company requires only birth, education, and manners, and with regard to education is not very nice. Birth and good manners are essential; but a little learning is by no means a dangerous thing in good company; on the contrary, it will do very well.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818
How could it be? She watched, observed, reflected, and finally determined that this was not a case of fortitude or of resignation only. A submissive spirit might be patient, a strong understanding would supply resolution, but here was something more; here was that elasticity of mind, that disposition to be comforted, that power of turning readily from evil to good, and of finding employment which carried her out of herself, which was from nature alone. It was the choicest gift of Heaven.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818
The stream is as good as at first; the little rubbish it collects in the turnings is easily moved away.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Persuasion, 1818
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Results of search for Quote: good - Page 35 of 101
Showing results 341 to 350 of 1002 total quotations found.