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Results of search for Author: Tom Clancy - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4 total quotations found.
- We cannot fail to win unless we fail to try.
- Tom Clancy (1947 - )
- What do I know about sex? I'm a married man.
- Tom Clancy (1947 - )
- Why, you may take the most gallant sailor, the most intrepid airman or the most audacious soldier, put them at a table together- what do you get? The sum of all fears.
- Winston Churchill, The Sum of All Fears by Tom Clancy
- Colleges typically did not tell you that ninety percent of your education came after you hung the parchment on the wall. People might ask for a rebate.
- Tom Clancy (1947 - ), "The Teeth Of The Tiger" -- page 180
Results of search for Author: Tom Clancy - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4 total quotations found.
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