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Results of search for Author: Samuel Butler - Page 1 of 3
Showing results 1 to 10 of 24 total quotations found.
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- All animals except man know that the ultimate of life is to enjoy it.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
- Logic is like the sword--those who appeal to it shall perish by it.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
- Then he saw also that it matters little what profession, whether of religion or irreligion, a man may make, provided only he follows it out with charitable inconsistency, and without insisting on it to the bitter end. It is in the uncompromisingness with which dogma is held and not in the dogma or want of dogma that the danger lies.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902), The Way of All Flesh
- He has spent his life best who has enjoyed it most; God will take care that we do not enjoy it any more than is good for us.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902), The Way of All Flesh
- An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
- Logic is like the sword: those who appeal to it shall perish by it.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
- Man is the only animal that laughs and has a state legislature.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
- Life is like playing the violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
- Men should not try to overstrain their goodness more than any other faculty.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
- If the headache would only precede the intoxication, alcoholism would be a virtue.
- Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
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Results of search for Author: Samuel Butler - Page 1 of 3
Showing results 1 to 10 of 24 total quotations found.
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