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Results of search for Author: Maximilien Robespierre - Page 1 of 2
Showing results 1 to 10 of 12 total quotations found.
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- Crime butchers innocence to secure a throne, and innocence struggles with all its might against the attempts of crime.
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794)
- Citizens, did you want a revolution without revolution?
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794), Réponse à J.- B. Louvet, Speech to National Convention, 1792
- Any institution which does not suppose the people good, and the magistrate corruptible, is evil.
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794), Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, 1793
- Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation of virtue; it is not so much a special principle as it is a consequence of the general principle of democracy applied to our country's most urgent needs.
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794), Sur les principes de morale politique
- The government in a revolution is the despotism of liberty against tyranny
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794)
- Death is the beginning of immortality.
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794)
- The general will rules in society as the private will governs each separate individual.
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794)
- Atheism is aristocratic; the idea of a great Being that watches over oppressed innocence and punishes triumphant crime is altogether popular.
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794)
- Any law which violates the inalienable rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical; it is not a law at all.
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794)
- To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is cruelty.
- Maximilien Robespierre (1758 - 1794)
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Results of search for Author: Maximilien Robespierre - Page 1 of 2
Showing results 1 to 10 of 12 total quotations found.
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