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Results of search for Author: John Alejandro King - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4 total quotations found.
- The mightiest of weapons is truth. And everyone knows you’re not permitted to enter a Government building with a weapon.
- John Alejandro King, a.k.a. The Covert Comic, www.covertcomic.com
- Whoever said 'Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting' obviously never licked one.
- John Alejandro King, Real Men Don't Get Published
- The outstanding problem of cryogenics isn't whether future advances in technology will enable you to be unfrozen and brought back to life 10,000 years from now. The outstanding problem of cryogenics is whether 250 consecutive generations of security guards earning $6.50 an hour will remember to check the thermostat every night.
- John Alejandro King
- Whenever I read Jean-Paul Sartre's famous quote, 'Hell is other people,' it's like he's right there in the room with me.
- John Alejandro King, My War On Terror!
Results of search for Author: John Alejandro King - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4 total quotations found.
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