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Results of search for Author: Jim Morrison - Page 1 of 3
Showing results 1 to 10 of 22 total quotations found.
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Results from Michael Moncur's (Cynical) Quotations:

Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971), No One Here Gets Out Alive

Results from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations:

Death is only going to happen to you once; I don't want to miss it.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)

Results from Classic Quotes:

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)
Hatred is a very underestimated emotion.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)
I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)
Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)

Results from Cole's Quotables:

Let's just say I was testing the bounds of society. I was just curious.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)

Results from Contributed Quotations:

I like any reaction I can get with my music. Just anything to get people to think. I mean if you can get a whole room full of drunk, stoned people to actually wake up and think, you're doing something.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)
I'm a word man. See, there's this theory about the nature of tragedy, that Aristotle didn't mean catharsis for the audience but a purgation of emotions for the actors themselves. The audience is just a witness to the event taking place on stage.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)
If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it's to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel.
Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)
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Results of search for Author: Jim Morrison - Page 1 of 3
Showing results 1 to 10 of 22 total quotations found.

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