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Results of search for Author: Henny Youngman - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9 total quotations found.
- When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
- I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
- My Grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
- I take my wife everywhere, but she keeps finding her way back.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
- I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up - they have no holidays.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
- My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
- If you're going to do something tonight that you'll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep late.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
- I wanted to do something nice so I bought my mother-in- law a chair. Now they won't let me plug it in.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
- What’s the use of happiness? It can’t buy you money.
- Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)
Results of search for Author: Henny Youngman - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9 total quotations found.
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