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Results of search for Author: Georges Clemenceau - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8 total quotations found.
- War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military.
- Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)
- War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory.
- Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)
- There is no passion like that of a functionary for his function.
- Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)
- America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.
- Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)
- When a man asks himself what is meant by action he proves he is not a man of action. Action is a lack of balance. In order to act you must be somewhat insane. A reasonably sensible man is satisfied with thinking.
- Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929), Conversation with Jean Martet, January 1 1929
- There is no passion like that of a functionary for his function.
- Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)
- War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory.
- Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)
- Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.
- Georges Clemenceau (1841 - 1929)
Results of search for Author: Georges Clemenceau - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8 total quotations found.
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