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Results of search for Author: Bob Marley - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9 total quotations found.

Results from Classic Quotes:

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery,
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981)
Get up, stand up
Stand up for your rights
Get up, stand up
Don't give up the fight.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981)
Free speech carries with it some freedom to listen.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981)
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981)
Don't worry about a thing,
'cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981), "Three Little Birds" - song "Legend"- album
The good times of today are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981)
Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981), From "Zion Train" lyrics.

Results from Contributed Quotations:

I don't stand for the black man's side, I don't stand for the white man's side, I stand for God's side.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981), unknown
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.
Bob Marley (1945 - 1981), Redemption Song
Results of search for Author: Bob Marley - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9 total quotations found.

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