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Results of search for Author: Anton Chekhov - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5 total quotations found.
- I don't understand anything about the ballet; all I know is that during the intervals the ballerinas stink like horses.
- Anton Chekhov (1860 - 1904)
- People are far more sincere and good-humored at speeding their parting guests than on meeting them.
- Anton Chekhov (1860 - 1904)
- Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too.
- Anton Chekhov (1860 - 1904)
- One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making a mistake.
- Anton Chekhov (1860 - 1904)
- A writer is not a confectioner, a cosmetic dealer, or an entertainer. He is a man who has signed a contract with his conscious and his sense of duty.
- Anton Chekhov (1860 - 1904)
Results of search for Author: Anton Chekhov - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5 total quotations found.
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