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Results of search for Author: Amos Bronson Alcott - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9 total quotations found.
- Devotees of grammatical studies have not been distinguished for any very remarkable felicities of expression.
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888)
- One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well.
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888)
- One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well.
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888), "Table Talk"
- The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence.
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888)
- Civilization degrades the many to exalt the few.
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888), Table Talk (1877)
- To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888)
- That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888), Table Talk
- Thought means life, since those who do not think so do not live in any high or real sense. Thinking makes the man.
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888)
- That is a good book which is opened with expectation, and closed with delight and profit.
- Amos Bronson Alcott (1799 - 1888)
Results of search for Author: Amos Bronson Alcott - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9 total quotations found.
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