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Quotations by Author
Gabor, Zsa Zsa (1) - US (Hungarian-born) actress (1919 - )
gadgetgirl (1)
Gaiman, Neil (2)
Galbraith, John Kenneth (15) - US (Canadian-born) administrator & economist (1908 - 2006)
Galileo (6) - Italian astronomer & physicist (1564 - 1642)
Gallagher (1)
Gallois, Pierre (1)
Gallup, George (1) - US statistician & pollster (1901 - 1984)
Gandhi, Indira (5) - Indian politician (1917 - 1984)
Gandhi, Mahatma (27) - Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
Ganz, Marshall (1)
Garcia, Greg (1)
Garcia, Jerry (2)
Gardner, Cindy (1)
Gardner, Ed (1)
Gardner, John W. (3) - US administrator (1912 - 2002)
Gardner, Martin (1) - US logician, mathematician, puzzle constructor, & popularizer of logic & mathema (1914 - )
Garfield, James A. (4) - 20th president of US 1881 (1831 - 1881)
Garland, Judy (1) - US actress & singer (1922 - 1969)
Garrison, William Lloyd (3) - US abolitionist & editor (1805 - 1879)
Gass, Robbie (1)
Gasset, Jose Ortega y (4) - Spanish philosopher & politician (1883 - 1955)
Gates, Bill (4) - US computer software designer & industrialist (1955 - )
Gates, Elgin (1)
Gauguin, Paul (3) - French Post-Impressionist painter (1848 - 1903)
Gaule, John (1)
Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1) - German mathematician, physicist, & prodigy (1777 - 1855)
Gawain, Shakti (8)
Gay, John (1) - English dramatist, librettist, & poet (1685 - 1732)
Geary, James (1)
Gelbart, Larry (1)
Gellius, Aulus (1)
George, David Lloyd (1) - British orator & politician (1863 - 1945)
George, Henry (2) - US economist (1839 - 1897)
George, W. L. (1)
Gere, Richard (1)
Getty, J. Paul (2) - US oil industrialist (1892 - 1976)
Giamatti, A. Bartlett (1) - US educator & baseball administrator (1938 - 1989)
Gibb, Andy (1)
Gibbon, Edward (5) - English historian of Rome (1737 - 1794)
Gibran, Kahlil (21) - Lebanese artist & poet in US (1883 - 1931)
Gibson, Althea (1) - US tennis player (1927 - 2003)
Gibson, Eric (1)
Gibson, William (2) - US science fiction novelist in Canada (1948 - )
Gide, Andre (13) - French critic, essayist, & novelist (1869 - 1951)
Gilbert, Dr. Rob (1)
Gilbert, W. S. (7) - English librettist & writer of comic operettas (1836 - 1911)
Gilder, George (1)
Gill, Brendan (1)
Gill, Elaine (1)
Gilman, Dorothy (1)
Ginott, Haim (1)
Giordano, Paolo (7)
Giorgi, Audrey (1)
Giovanni, Nikki (1)
Giraudoux, Jean (2) - French diplomat, dramatist, & novelist (1882 - 1944)
Gissing, George (1) - English novelist (1857 - 1903)
Gladstone, William (1) - British politician (1809 - 1898)
Gladwell, Malcolm (10)
Glaser and Way (1)
Glaser, Milton (1)
Glasglow, Ellen (1)
Glasgow, Arnold (1)
Glasgow, Ellen (1) - US novelist (1873 - 1945)
Glaspell, Susan (1)
Gleason, Jackie (2) - US television actor & comedian (1916 - 1987)
Goddard, Robert H. (1) - US physicist & pioneer rocket engineer (1882 - 1945)
Godin, Seth (2)
Godwin, Gail (1)
Goering, Hermann (1) - German Nazi marshal & politician (1893 - 1946)
Goethals, George (1) - US engineer & general (1858 - 1928)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (33) - German dramatist, novelist, poet, & scientist (1749 - 1832)
Gogh, Vincent van (4) - Dutch painter (1853 - 1890)
Gogol, Nikolai (1) - Russian author & humorist (1809 - 1852)
Goheen, Robert (1)
Gold, Philip (1)
Gold, Sharon (1)
Gold, Vic (1)
Goldberg, Arthur (1) - US lawyer (1908 - 1990)
Goldberg, Isaac (2)
Goldberg, Whoopi (6)
Golden, Arthur (1)
Golden, Harry (1) - US journalist (1902 - 1981)
Goldfein, Allan (2)
Goldman, Emma (2) - US (Lithuanian-born) anarchist (1869 - 1940)
Goldman, William (3)
Goldsmith, Oliver (3) - British-Irish author (1730 - 1774)
Goldwater, Barry (3) - US politician (1909 - 1998)
Goldwyn, Samuel (14) - US (Polish-born) movie producer (1882 - 1974)
Gombrich, E. H. (1) - (1909 - )
Goncourt, Edmond de (1) - French artist & novelist (1822 - 1896)
Goodall, Jane (16) - English ethologist & zoologist (1934 - )
Goodier, Alban (1)
Goodman, Ellen (8) - American journalist (1941 - )
Goodman, Paul (1) - (1911 - 1972)
Goodman, Roy M. (1)
Goodman, Walter (1)
Gordon, James (1)
Gordon, Ruth (1)
Gordon, Suzanne (1)
Gore, Albert Jr. (1)
Gore, Thomas P. (1)
Gores, Joe (1)
Gotti, John (2)
Gould, Jay (1) - US financier & railroad businessman (1836 - 1892)
Gould, Stephen Jay (6) - US author, naturalist, paleontologist, & popularizer of science (1941 - 2002)
Gracian, Baltasar (11)
Graffito (3)
Grafton, Sue (1) - US mystery novelist (1940 - )
Graham, Martha (5) - US choreographer & dancer (1894 - 1991)
Graham, Paul (3)
Graham, Sheila (2)
Grahn, Judy (1)
Grandy, Charlie (1)
Grant, Cary (3) - US movie actor (1904 - 1986)
Grant, R. H. (1)
Grant, Ulysses S. (2) - US general & politician (1822 - 1885)
Grant, W. Lee (1)
Graves, Robert (2) - British author & classical scholar (1895 - 1985)
Gravina, Gian Vincenzo (1) - (1664 - 1718)
Gray, Farrah (1)
Gray, John (1)
Gray, Thomas (1)
Grayson, David (1)
Green, Carol (1)
Green, Hank (4)
Green, Hannah (1)
Green, Robin (3)
Green, Robin (5)
Green, Russell (1)
Greenberg, Josh (2)
Greene, Graham (2)
Greenwood, Ed (1)
Greer, Germaine (1)
Gregory, Dick (2) - US comedian (1932 - )
Grenfell, Joyce (1)
Grenfell, Sir Wilfred (1) - English missionary & physician (1865 - 1940)
Gretzky, Wayne (2) - Canadian hockey player (1961 - )
Grier, Tish (6)
Grimes, Martha (1)
Grimké, Sarah Moore (1) - US Quaker abolitionist & feminist (1792 - 1873)
Griscom, Rufus (1)
Grocott, Bruce (1) - British politician (1940 - )
Groening, Matt (38) - US cartoonist & satirist (1954 - )
Grogan, John (3)
Groom, Winston (1)
Gruber, John (2)
Guedalla, Philip (1) - English author & popular historian (1889 - 1944)
Guerard, Albert (1)
Guevara, Che (4) - Latin American (Argentine-born) revolutionary & guerrilla leader (1928 - 1967)
Guinon, Albert (2) - (1863 - 1923)
Guitry, Sacha (1) - (1885 - 1957)
Guizot, Madam (1)
Gulbertson, Ely (1)
Gunther, John (1) - US author & journalist (1901 - 1970)
Gusoff, Adrienne E. (8) - US teacher, humorist and greeting card writer
Guterson, David (2)
Guthrie, Arlo (1) - US folksinger (1947 - )
Guthrie, Thomas (1)
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