March 27th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Quotations
I LOVE this quotation. He was talking about web design, but this quotation is universal. Whether you are talking about weight loss, office dynamics or web design, he’s right. There is NO silver bullet. Concentrating your efforts on finding one just distracts you from the important issues like learning to shoot.
When someone says something so clearly, the thought transcends what it was talking about and becomes classic. It’s less than a week old and this quotation is already a classic.
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March 17th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Quotations

Mike and I were lucky enough to attend the SXSW Conference in Austin, Texas. I have been diligently typing in all the inspirational and moving quotations that I heard while I was there. Here are a few to get you interested:
Dave Kellet is the author of Sheldon Comics.
Jimmy Wales is the founder of Wikipedia, a non-profit online encyclopedia.
Lisa Williams is the author of Learning the Lessons of Nixon and H2otown.
Heather Armstrong is the author of Dooce.
Jason Fried is the founder of 37 Signals.
Jim Coudal is the founder of Coudal Partners.
With over eight pages of quotations added to our collection, I can’t post all of them here. If you would like to see all of the SXSW 2006 quotations, click here:
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March 8th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Quotations
The last time I went to Barnes and Noble, I spent some time in the magazine section. I was amazed at the size of the home decorating section for magazines. There were magazines of floor plans, some more dedicated to decorating the home, and still more for rennovation. I was surprised by all of it and it seems that the image of home is a hot topic. What do the masters have to say about it?
For more quotations on the home:
Home Quotes – The Quotations Page
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March 7th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Quotations
If Bono and Malcolm X are right, then America and being an American means more than being born in this country and living here. If America is an idea, what is that idea?
For more quotations about America:
What do you think the idea of America is?
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February 15th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Quotations
I have just finished watching the first season of Penn & Teller’s television show, Bullsh*t. Penn & Teller have made a living debunking magicians and other tricksters, but they have turned their discerning eyes on society and have found just as many charlatans in the world as they did on the stage. They attack many questionable things in our society, but there is one thing in common with them all: their language.
No matter whom Penn & Teller are questioning, the words are purposely used to cloud the issue. It doesn’t matter if they are talking about feng shui, alien abductions, psychic readings, penis enlargement or diet products. The one underlying thing with all of them is their language is very complicated and tries to make things less clear. I guess George Orwell was right.
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