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Results of search for Quote or Author: love - Page 80 of 98
Showing results 791 to 800 of 972 total quotations found.
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Results from Rand Lindsly's Quotations:

Warning signs that lover is bored:
1. Passionless kisses
2. Frequent sighing
3. Moved, left no forwarding address.
Matt Groening (1954 - )
Famous Writer needs woman to organize his life and spend his money. Loves to turn off Sunday football and go to the Botanical Gardens with that special someone. Will obtain plastic surgery if necessary.
Joe Bob Briggs
You'll NEED someone to love while you're looking for someone TO love.
Selagh Delaney
I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
I was simply furnishing a home. I love music ... and I don't think a $130,000 indoor-outdoor stereo system is extravagant.
Leona Helmsley, 1990, refuting charges that her lifestyle was excessive
It may be risky to marry for love, but it's so honest that the Lord just has to smile on it.
Josh Billings (1818 - 1885)
Love is what we call the situation which occurs when two people who are sexually comptatible discover that they can also tolerate one another in various other circumstances.
Marc Maihueird
When you're in love it's the most glorious two and a half days of your life.
Richard Lewis
The reason that lovers never weary each other is because they are always talking about themselves.
La Rochefoucauld
People would never fall in love if they had not heard love talked about.
La Rochefoucauld
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Results of search for Quote or Author: love - Page 80 of 98
Showing results 791 to 800 of 972 total quotations found.

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