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Results of search for Quote or Author: love - Page 33 of 98
Showing results 321 to 330 of 972 total quotations found.
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Results from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations:

That is not what Geek means to me. We are more than the hobbies that we do or the things that we like. To me, Geek means an outsider, a rebel, a dreamer, a creator, a fighter. It's a person who dares to love something that isn't conventional.
Felicia Day, Geek and Sundry, State of the Sundry, 03-25-13
That is not what Geek means to me. We are more than the hobbies that we do or the things that we like. To me, Geek means an outsider, a rebel, a dreamer, a creator, a fighter. It's a person who dares to love something that isn't conventional.
Felicia Day, Geek and Sundry, State of the Sundry, 03-25-13
Sometimes people don’t understand the promises they’re making when they make them. Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That’s what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars, 2012
I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars, 2012
You clench your teeth. You look up. You tell yourself that if they see you cry, it will hurt them, and you will be nothing but A Sadness in their lives, and you must not become a mere sadness, so you will not cry, and you say all of this to yourself while looking up at the ceiling, and then you swallow even though your throat does not want to close and you look at the person who loves you and smile.
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars, 2012
I can’t talk about our love story, so I will talk about math. I am not a mathematician, but I know this: There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. There’s .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others. Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between 0 and 2, or between 0 and a million. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. A writer we used to like taught us that. There are days, many of them, when I resent the size of my unbounded set. I want more numbers than I’m likely to get. But, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars, 2012
If I really wanted to pray I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd go out into a great big field all alone or into the deep, deep, woods, and I'd look up into the sky—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. And then I'd just FEEL a prayer.
L. M. Montgomery (1874 - 1942), Anne of Green Gables, 1908
I love pretty things; and I hate to look in the glass and see something that isn't pretty. It makes me feel so sorrowful—just as I feel when I look at any ugly thing. I pity it because it isn't beautiful.
L. M. Montgomery (1874 - 1942), Anne of Green Gables, 1908
She makes me love her and I like people who make me love them. It saves me so much trouble in making myself love them.
L. M. Montgomery (1874 - 1942), Anne of Green Gables, 1908
We resent the thought that anything can please us when someone we love is no longer here to share the pleasure with us, and we almost feel as if we were unfaithful to our sorrow when we find our interest in life returning to us.
L. M. Montgomery (1874 - 1942), Anne of Green Gables, 1908
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Results of search for Quote or Author: love - Page 33 of 98
Showing results 321 to 330 of 972 total quotations found.

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