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- Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.
- W. H. Auden (1907 - 1973)
- To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?
- Katharine Graham
- The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And all the sweet serenity of books. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882), 'Morituri Salutamus,' 1875
- Wit is so shining a quality that everybody admires it; most people aim at it, all people fear it, and few love it unless in themselves.
- Lord Chesterfield (1694 - 1773), letter to his godson, December 18, 1765
- Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved.
- Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885), Les Miserables, 1862
- There is no remedy for love but to love more.
- Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862), Journal, July 25, 1839
- Whoever does not love his work cannot hope that it will please others.
- Unknown
- Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love.
- David McCullough (1933 - )
- The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.
- William Hazlitt (1778 - 1830)
- Life isn't long enough for love and art.
- W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965), The Moon and Sixpence
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