Making Donations to The Quotations Page
Our site accepts payments through the
Honor System. You can donate any amount you choose to help support our site. This is extremely easy if you're already an customer.
To pay, click the "Click to Pay" icon in the box on the left margin of our pages.
You can donate any amount from $1.00 up to $50.00. Note that we are not a charity
or non-profit, and this is not a tax-deductible contribution. Donations through Amazon are anonymous.
You can also make payments via PayPal. This allows any amount at all.
PayPal will notify us with your email address when you donate. We will reply with a thank-you but will not add you
to any mailing list.
We don't expect you to pay for nothing. Here's what we'll do with the money:
- We pledge to add 200 verified quotations to our database for every $100 in donations we receive.
- We have removed the small "cube" ads that were running in the margin of our pages. If
this payment system is successful, we'll leave those out for good and start removing some of the
more annoying top-of-page banner ads.
This page costs us approximately $150 per month in server and bandwidth
charges alone, and banner ads don't pay like they used to. Your support will ensure that we can
devote time and resources to keeping the page going. (Don't worry, I'll keep this page running regardless
of what money we make. But it would sure be nice if it paid for itself.)
Note: If you're a registered Amazon customer, your name may be displayed in the box. This is
because you have an Amazon cookie on your computer. The information is sent from Amazon's server
directly to your browser, and we don't have access to any of your personal information. See
Amazon's FAQ
for more information.