Motivational Quotes of the Day

Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - September 29, 2015
There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.
Josh Billings (1818 - 1885)  
I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing a word or painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that too is a deed.
Etty Hillesum  
The refreshing pleasure from the first view of nature, after the pain of illness, and the confinement of a sick-chamber, is above the conceptions, as well as the descriptions, of those in health.
Ann Radcliffe (1764 - 1823), The Mysteries of Udolpho, 1764  
I deal with stress in two ways because there are two kinds of stress. There's stress that you can take care of and there's stress that you can't. The first one, I take care of it as fast as possible, because putting it off always makes it worse. Things that I can't fix? I think about the fact that I can't fix them. I think about why I can't fix them and I come to terms with the fact that this is a problem that I'm not going to overcome and that the world is not a wish granting factory.
Hank Green, Vlogbrothers, Raw Onion, Twerking, and Speech Jam, 08-30-13  

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